Monday, July 19, 2010

First Post

This weekend a friend of mine was complaining that she did not really know how to cook dinner and that her and her husband had been forced to resort to either ordering in, or eating a rotation of three meals. I am no chef, but I do like to cook, and try to cook one or two legit, and hopefully varied meals per week, usually from as close to scratch as my time will allow.

In order to hopefully help out my friend, and to give myself some record of what I have cooked, what worked, what I could have done better, and what I can do again, I have decided to start this blog. Each post will hopefully include my recipe, or general instructions as appropriate, a few pictures, both of the process and the finished product, and some sort of review of my creation. If all goes well, I may try to drag a few people I know into contributing to this endeavor.

Please keep in mind that I do not have the time or energy to cook every night, and sometimes there are just leftovers worth having. As a result, I will probably only be updating once or twice a week. If you have any suggestions for me to try, please let me know.